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Cosmic Tribe Tarot


Keeper of the Ancient Faith

Tradition? Yes tradition. It’s the wisdom that was born in the sacred mists of time. Not the tradition of bureaucracy and rules for rules' sake, but the time-honored craft of communicating with the cosmic powers. This magic has been breathed from generation to generation in rituals of wind and smoke. It has been carefully hidden from greedy ogres and tyrannical thugs who sought to usurp or destroy it. Through vigorous study the Knight of Swords has attained the level of master of this knowledge and keeper of the ancient faith.

In the card the Knight of Swords brandishes the powers of tradition. Years of training and experience have taught the Knight to understand the strictures behind the tradition he trained in (and questioned) as an apprentice. He is rewarded threefold for his dedication: he is spiritually centered, physically confident, and morally grounded. The beams hitting his third eye indicate he is following the inner light of his tradition, letting faith and intuition guide him like an Arthurian knight. This greater power works through him, causing his sword to glow with the power of wisdom. If necessary, he could strike a deadly blow to any foe, but only to defend the tradition against forces that would destroy or enslave it. The Knight's sword is heavy with responsibility and requires all his strength and focus to wield it faithfully. A ring around his sword reminds him that the power of the tradition will be there for him automatically. He teaches by example, showing his protégés how to swirl the clouds of confusion and self-doubt into the patterns of meaning that surround him. He soars capably with the wings of a hawk, knowing by experience how high he can go and how quickly he could fall.

Divinatory Meaning

Should the Knight of Swords come to you in a reading, think about the role tradition plays in your life. What traditions do you follow? The Knight of Swords is the person in your life or aspect of yourself interested in achieving mastery of a tradition. Who taught you the valuable lessons that now guide you? Honor them in ritual. As we get older, we see the difficulty in maintaining the power that came to us so naturally as youths. How does your tradition help you expand your power as you acquire experience? Does it keep you from getting stagnant and rigid or full of self-doubt? No matter your age, invest yourself in a tradition that will grow with you. Work hard at learning the lessons gleaned over thousands of years and see how they return the favor. If you are already a master, make sure you are passing your secrets on to the ones who will follow. Remember to keep yourself open to their fresh perspectives even as you work to sustain the tradition.